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Mycelium Magazine Rights Agreement

Below is our rights agreement that contributors sign prior to publication. We believe in writer's rights and composed our agreement with the intention of keeping to that belief. 

Rights Agreement

Mycelium Magazine

Mycelium Magazine asks for first North American rights (serial and electronic, excluding personal blogs) for previously unpublished works. Mycelium Magazine asks to retain the nonexclusive right to publish, display, distribute, and promote the magazines that include your work. This means that Mycelium Magazine will keep your accepted work(s) online on our website to be read and accessed for free. 


All rights revert back to the contributor after 3 months in publication and the contributor retains ownership of their work, but Mycelium Magazine will retain nonexclusive first rights outlined above. We ask that you credit Mycelium Magazine as the first place of publication if your piece is later published elsewhere, including in a full collection of your own. 


By signing this, you affirm that your work does not violate copyright law in any form.

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